Entering month
six and hopefully exiting the worst of winter. Having what I consider a
mild winter this year has really helped my situation. More than ever I am
relying on all the
clothes in my closet, regardless of season, to give me more outfit options.
It's been a real wake-up call that over the past 20 weeks I have not
repeated the same outfit. Clearly, I do not need to shop.
Here are a few
snapshots of my winter wears.
I'm learning to
really love the experience of putting together new outfits using pieces I would
normally never have thought to pair. More honestly, I wasn't using as
much creativity to pair things because when you always have new things, every
outfit feels effortlessly fashion forward and satisfying.
I'll tell you
what would really satisfy me though... a clause that would let me buy the fab
five pictured below that I've recently come accross. Every outfit would be perfect if I had these to
cycle in!
Clockwise from top Left:
1. Leather and Wool Vest 2. Christopher Kon Toni Satchel w/ Cross Body
Oversized Knit Sweater 4. William Rast Faux Fur Hooded Parka
5. Sperry
Top-Sider suede lace up Princeton Bootie
To end this post off today, I share with you a more personal picture— a shameful screenshot of me almost begging for this handbag. Sometimes this is really, really hard!
Pressing onward,
Sarah xo
Unbuyer's Tip #10: It's ok to feel proud of yourself for a job well done— let the lifestyle choice you are making sink in and take a moment to truly appreciate your inner strength.