Tuesday 25 February 2014

pack attack

Ever wonder how the fashion obsessed pack for a trip?  So do I.  I definitely have my process in place, refined by years of frequent travel, but I wonder sometimes if I'm the only one.  When it comes down to it I suppose we all find and do what works for us— so let me share what works for me!

Packing is no small feat in my house.  It is an event that I plan for and have to calendar, because yes, it can take that much time and effort.  As I said, years of travel have brought me to this place, where I know what I must do to have the best possible (outfit) experience once I hit my destination.

As I was packing for a trip earlier this month, I decided to list out what I do:

Step 1. Make a list of the dates I am away and the major activities on those dates 
Step 2. Begin soundtrack (for this trip it was Body Talk by Robyn)
Step 3. Assess the closet and pull out all possible options— taking into account weather, activities, travel companions and current fashion trends at my destination  

Helpful Hint: Find a fashion blogger who lives where you are going! (mystylepill.com & citybrewed.com were my top pics for this trip)

My Style Pill Blog

Step 4. Try on potential outfits for each day (usually a.m. and p.m. outfits) and eliminate the clothes that don't factor in
Step 5. Take a final pass at these outfits and see if I can eliminate anything, my goal being to bring pieces that can be used in 2-3 outfits.  

Helpful Hint: Pack one bonus casual outfit and one bonus evening outfit— this can help in case of clothing emergencies or if a friend has under-packed!

Step 6. Select handbags and accessories for each outfit 
Step 7. Choose 2 or 3 pieces of outerwear that will work with all outfits
Step 8. As a final step I take a photo of all items I am packing.  If you've ever lost your luggage, you will understand why I do this!

Bonus Step: Depending on the man in your life, you may need to repeat steps 1 through 8

This packing session was a success and my trip went off wardrobe disaster free!  Look out for my next post on how I handled a visit to one of the best shopping cities on the globe...

Sarah xo

Unbuyer's Tip #11: Always look on the bright side!  This was the first vacation where I have been able to pack my bags FULL because I didn't need to save room for purchases!

Sunday 26 January 2014

winter wearables

Entering month six and hopefully exiting the worst of winter.  Having what I consider a mild winter this year has really helped my situation.  More than ever I am relying on all the clothes in my closet, regardless of season, to give me more outfit options.  It's been a real wake-up call that over the past 20 weeks I have not repeated the same outfit.  Clearly, I do not need to shop.

Here are a few snapshots of my winter wears.

I'm learning to really love the experience of putting together new outfits using pieces I would normally never have thought to pair.  More honestly, I wasn't using as much creativity to pair things because when you always have new things, every outfit feels effortlessly fashion forward and satisfying.  

I'll tell you what would really satisfy me though... a clause that would let me buy the fab five pictured below that I've recently come accross.  Every outfit would be perfect if I had these to cycle in!

Clockwise from top Left:
1. Leather and Wool Vest 
2. Christopher Kon Toni Satchel w/ Cross Body 
3. Oversized Knit Sweater 4. William Rast Faux Fur Hooded Parka 
5. Sperry Top-Sider suede lace up Princeton Bootie

To end this post off today, I share with you a more personal picture— a shameful screenshot of me almost begging for this handbag.  Sometimes this is really, really hard!

Pressing onward,
Sarah xo

Unbuyer's Tip #10: It's ok to feel proud of yourself for a job well done— let the lifestyle choice you are making sink in and take a moment to truly appreciate your inner strength.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

new year's resolution - free to good home

Here we are at the beginning of a new year, and though I admit to stepping into 2014 with the rest of you, I began my new year back in August.  Having already taken on the biggest challenge and lifestyle change I could have imagined for myself, I am opting out of setting my new year's resolution.  Since I won't be using mine, I am offering it up to one of you.

I would like to see my resolution go to a loving home.  A home that truly needs it and whose life could be changed for the better by it.  If you are a shopping addict like I am (unite!), I would like to give you this resolution of no shopping for a year.  If I can do it, believe me, you can too!!

I have just watched myself make it through the busiest shopping and biggest sales season of the year.  Staying true to a coping habit I formed early on in this journey, I continue to take photos of things that I would have bought had I been able.  

Here are a few quick snapshots of the holiday decor pieces and items for the home that I would have picked up!

Cozy Christmas

Silver and Sleek

So to the might be recipient of my resolution; check yourself.  Do you need this as much as I did?  Or as my 4-year-old nephew would say "Do you wanna do something awesome?  You're gonna love it!"  Let me know if this is for you, it's yours for the taking!

Happy 2014 ~ wishing all unbuyers much strength and success this year!
Sarah xo

Unbuyer's Tip #9: Find an adaptive coping mechanism that helps you feel better and make it through the moment.

Tuesday 24 December 2013

better to borrow than receive

I have just hit the four month mark.  And somehow have gotten this far without whining here on the blog about my home decor withdrawal.  Well here it goes!

Thus far it may appear as though my larger passion is fashion, but that would be misleading.  Decor and how I keep my home is just as important, and sometimes more!  I have a pinch of obsessive personality disorder, and keeping things tidy, in place, and pleasing to the eye is a necessity for me to be able to relax and enjoy my time at home.  I love expressing myself in how I decorate, and until this challenge began, I was changing furniture pieces and accent items in the condo almost as often as I was buying new shoes.  I kid you not when I say that the folks at Home Sense likely believe I had a fatal accident in late August...

Fast forward to winter and I'm already on my second seasonal overhaul.  Fall was pretty basic with bringing more warm colours, throw blankets, and candles out, but Christmas is a much bigger deal!  Not being able to add new items was tough, especially since I feel a lot of my tastes have changed in the last year.  To fill in some of the gaps, I reached out to my Mom (who I can likely blame for my obsession with interior design and decorating) to ask if I could come borrow some items she wouldn't be using around the house.  

After my little "shopping trip" to the parent's place I came back with a few vintage glass baubles, a lace table runner for my hutch, a gold serving tray, and a few other country Christmas gems.  

With our home all decked for the season, I put my feet up, pour a glass of red, and listen to some crooners sing Christmas. 

May your holidays be bright!

Unbuyer's Tip #8: Be resourceful, borrow when necessary!

Wednesday 27 November 2013

two shades of grey

It's the last week of November and I have just passed my three month mark.  Time is either passing very quickly, or slower than can be handled, depending on how optimistic I am when you ask.  

I get asked a lot of things.  Most recently I was asked how my "month of no shopping" went.  Ha!  Wouldn't that have been lovely!  Those who know me well ask how I'm handling the lack of new things, and those who know me better ask if I've cheated yet.

Have I cheated?  Turns out things aren't quite as black and white as I thought, and this past weekend I found myself pushing the boundaries. 

I knew this time of year would be difficult because it calls for shopping.  November is a birthday heavy month for friends and family and of course Christmas can't come without ribbons or tags, without packages boxes or bags!  I've been very purposeful on my outings, but to my detriment, I am cursed with a wandering eye.

As my sister and I were out looking for a birthday gift for our brother, a flash of geometric velvet caught my eye.  Velvet.  The classiest and most classic of Christmas party dress fabrics.  I knew I'd gone too far when I walked closer to inspect...  "Erin, I need this!  I really need it!" the pleading began.  

I decided at the beginning of this process that I am not a charity case.  I will not beg or barter to get things that I want.  But with only four short weeks until Christmas, was it an impossibility to ask for this as my Christmas gift... and to get it early?

Grey area number one— I asked for the dress, and I got it early.

Next, my attention was grabbed by a smack of berry colour.  This time my want was paired with practical necessity.  Since getting my laptop almost a year ago I have been on the lookout for a case that I don't hate.  Dangerous but true, when I'm on the go I just throw my laptop in my handbag or suitcase without a thought towards its preservation.  Upon seeing a case that could pass as a clutch, I knew it was the one we (my laptop and I) had been waiting for. 

Grey area number two— I bought the case.

These two new items have been weighing on my conscience.  Though neither technically break my unbuying commitment, I may have gone too far and am left feeling guilty.  

Help me decide by placing your vote in my comments below!  Should I stop fretting, or keep regretting?!

Unbuyer's Tip #7: Don't give in to your peripheral vision, always look up!

Friday 8 November 2013

the three r's

During the past few weeks I have started settling into an understanding of what not having new clothes truly means.  I've been challenged to accept my closet for what it is, and in doing so have finally seen myself becoming more creative and resourceful.  Here are a few of the ways I have remixed, reused and recycled my way through October.

I've been having tons of fun pairing items in new ways to get the feeling of new clothes!  I'm aware that some of my attempts may have as much fashion sense as a pile of laundry, but I tend to believe that true head turning style comes from pushing the boundaries.

My girlfriends know me for having a dress collection of uncalled for quantity.  Now living in a mostly west-coast-casual city, weddings and Christmas parties are the most glammed up opportunities that typically come my way.  With each classy event, I have added a new classy outfit, and re-wearing the same dress has never been an option.  As it turns out, I was actually thrilled to wear one of my single appearance favourites to a friend's wedding in Vancouver. 

Every Halloween I look forward to stretching my creative abilities and aim to come up with the best representation of a character that is not me.  On October 31st I take pride in the level of thought that has gone into my costume— after all, costume contests are won or lost in the details.  This year was particularly painful for me as I wasn't able to buy any accessories or clothing items to make up the perfect persona.  I was lucky to have a friend pitch an idea that was both witty and could be made of household goods!

Top Row: 2013 Costume - Bad News
Bottom Row L to R: 2009 Kat Von D, 2010 Chola, 2011 Roy Lichtenstein Pop Art

Unbuyer's Tip #6: Get creative with what you have in your closet— don't be afraid to experiment!

Tuesday 15 October 2013

the big four and what I know now

It's been a few weeks and though a lot has happened, even more hasn't.  Allow me to explain...

As stated in my first post I had been awaiting a shopping trip this fall with my friend visiting from London, where the solitary clause of my shopping cleanse would take effect— I was allowed to buy four items!

In my eagerness, I headed to Vancouver a day before my girlfriend's flight was to land.  Without shopping as my focus, and accompanied by my best buddy from the city, I got to experience a bunch of firsts.  I visited English Bay and North Van.  I checked out a farmer's market and had brunch at an amazing little place in Lonsdale.  

As the day came to an end I rushed to the airport, just in time to see my friend walk through International arrivals.  We had been anticipating this visit for months, and our two weeks back together was just beginning.  What better way to start it off than with one of our favourite pastimes— shopping!

After a good night's rest we started out, and over the hours ahead I experienced much pain of choice.  I picked up a lot of things, tried on less, and after some deliberation only committed to the things I loved the most.  

I activated my super human self control and walked out with four items as promised.  What was more fulfilling was the fifteen to twenty that I didn't walk out with.  

Check out my spoils!

tank dress  |  tall suede boot  |  leather leggings  |  motorcycle boot

Once back in Kelowna the shopping continued.  My girlfriend fell in love with Winners and we spent a few afternoons popping in to check out the new arrivals.  My family was kind enough to buy me giftcards for my birthday and I had been hoarding them.  After adding a few additional fabulous finds to my fall wardrobe, I started feeling some anxiety about how these experiences might take their toll on my current 30 days clean record.

To be honest, what I started with willpower ended up becoming too difficult to handle.  Having reached my shopping spree quota and with no limit left on my cards, I re-entered the unbuying realm once again for the remaining 11 months.  And I was glad.

In hindsight I wouldn't have allowed myself a clause.  Or maybe I would have started my challenge after my wonderful September visit with a best friend had come to an end.

One thing I know for sure is that I will be requesting no giftcards this Christmas!

Unbuyer's Tip #5:  In the early stages of overcoming your addiction, keep yourself out of temptation's way.